P. 93
Dealer Responsibilities Upon Product Arrival:
1. Dealers or their authorized representatives are obligated to inspect products at time of delivery (whether at Eurocrafts dock or
Carrier delivered) and note differences in quantities, observation of torn boxes, crushed boxes, and other observations that would
cause concern for product integrity of the contents. All concerns need to be noted on the (Pick Ticket if at Eurocraft dock or if by
Carrier on the Bill of Lading) prior to the Drivers Departure. A picture should be taken of the notations on the Bill of Lading and what is
observed of concern and then forwarded to Eurocraft at This allows a timeline of up to (3) days to
determine if there is actual damage to the Product and file a Claim with Eurocraft. With a Bill of Lading having notations, and a written
claim form completed, Eurocraft will go back to the Carrier (on Eurocraft supplied service) to make restitution for the product(s).
Eurocraft upon receiving the claim will start immediately processing the claim for new products, materials, and / or parts as needed.
2. Concealed damage claims occasionally happen. Eurocraft would prefer to wait until all boxes have been opened and the job is near
completion to receive any claims associated with the project so that we can process only one replacement claim order for the project.
Eurocraft allows a total of 14 days for the processing of any concealed damage claim from the time of arrival. All claims should be filed
within 14 days of Product arrival.
3. Dealers, we ask you to adhere to our policies and procedures. The cost of freight and replacement of products is a significant
expense. Eurocraft attempts to deliver quality products on time and complete. If damage or shortages occur due to the care and
mishandling by the Carrier, then they need to be held responsible for the cost of replacement. We need your assistance to maintain low
Shipping costs. Eurocraft nor the Dealer should bear the cost of damaged goods caused by Carriers mishandling.